Category Archives: Non-surgical Facial Enhancements

chin and neck liposuction before and after photograph

Kybella® vs. Double Chin Liposuction: Running Neck and Neck

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Chin liposuction improves neck contours dramatically and removes a double chin. Dr. Sterry wants you to have the best chin liposuction possible with an elegant neck. Is KYBELLA Better Than Chin Liposuction? KYBELLA is the new FDA-approved injectable that melts the fat in your neck to remove the dreaded double chin. Studies performed by KYBELLA…

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Laser Skin Resurfacing to treat Melasma

6 Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures for Minimalists

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Want an improved, more youthful appearance without undergoing a surgical procedure? Lucky for you, it’s no longer necessary to have invasive cosmetic surgery to improve your skin’s appearance. Experienced plastic surgeons can give you the results you desire with highly effective, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures. Here is a list of the most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

Dermasculpt Microcannula

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There is a new ground breaking method to inject fillers into the face.  Microcannulas are thin hollow tubes that are flexible with a blunted tip.  This new technology significantly reduces pain and bruising since there is no sharp tip.  Instead of multiple needle pricks there is one entry point.  With the dull edge, bruising is…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

The Wrinkle about a Cosmetic tax: What is the 'BoTax'?

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Senator Harry Reid has proposed a new tax on cosmetic procedures as a way to help pay for health care reform.  So, when will a procedure be considered cosmetic and therefore taxable?  I will not argue whether it is fair or not to tax my own cosmetic services since no matter what I write, it would…

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